Increase in efficiency of training process of young sportsmen on the basis of the analysis of their readiness



taekwon-do, training process, young athletes, readiness, pedagogical testing, sensory motor reactions, physical qualities


Article is devoted to a problem of creation of educational and training process at beginners. Purpose: to define the main directions of increase in efficiency of training process of beginners on the basis of the analysis of their readiness. Material and methods. Rational creation of training process at stages of long-term sports preparation is of great importance. It influences the level of interest of beginners in occupations, their sports progress, safety of the contingent in educational groups. In recent years at sports schools and clubs the competition between sports sections of single combats grew. For formation of steady interest at beginners in training occupations it is necessary to approach each athlete separately, to consider their psychophysiological and motive features of development. Use in training process of modern scientifically based techniques of training in physical actions, development of physical qualities, assessment of progress of training to increase efficiency of training process and will allow to solve the main objectives of a stage of initial preparation. In a research the following methods were used: tool method, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical processing of experimental data. Results: On the basis of the analysis of level of readiness of beginners the main directions of their training process are defined. Conclusions: 1) Objective assessment of level of readiness of young athletes allows to reveal the lagging behind parameters and on the basis of it to pick up means and methods for their improvement. 2) The main directions of increase in efficiency of training process of beginners are defined, concern them increase in a share of exercises on development of coordination abilities, flexibility.

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Romanenko, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of Martial Arts

Nataliy Veretelnikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

senior lecturer of the department of physical culture and health


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