
  • Mahdieh Tanhaee Ahari
  • Mohammad Ghomeishi
  • Mojtaba Farahmandian



Abstract. Multiple sclerosis(ms) disease as a mental and physical illness which is related to environmental conditions and environmental factors are effective in the development or prevention of disease. Due to the high rates of the disease, the special condition of MS patients and the lack of specific rehabilitation centers for patients it is important to pay attention to proper environmental design to control behavior and improve their mental health. The purpose of this research is to design a rehabilitation center that is appropriate to the mental and emotional conditions of MS patients. Designing a space for MS patients by taking into account factors such as environment and architectural ones and proper use of these factors can reduce symptoms (stress, fatigue, depression and motor disorder). By investigating the research background and using the interviews, effective factors on stress reduction, depression and survival, and motor problems of patients are identified and using proper scientific methods appropriate physical and mental conditions were provided for patients. According to the results of the research, the design of outdoor space and the use of nature and green space inside and outside the complex, the access to natural light and the design of a suitable space for walking and sports and the use of rehabilitation facilities and appropriate geometry in the design of space and the avoidance of complexity, the use of appropriate color are effective in
reducing the stress, depression and exhaustion and the motor's disorders in MS patients, which should be given special attention in design process.
Key words: Multiple sclerosis (ms) ,Stress , Depression , Fatigue, Architectural Design


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