Foreign historiography of enamel art


  • Oleg Naumov



foreign historiography, enamel art, discourse, artistic enamel, hot enamel, technique of hot artistic enamel, fine arts, decorative art.


The purpose of the article is to clarify the state of the study of the process of development of enamel art in foreign historiography. Methodology. In accordance with the stated goal, a set of research methods of contemporary art criticism was selected, based on the methods of heuristic and hermeneutic cognition in combination with the use of historical-chronological, problematic methods. The use of these methods of research contributed to obtaining their own results. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to formulate and develop a topical, little-researched theme of the genesis and evolution of enamel art. The results of the study can be an important component in the study of contemporary art and the development of art science. Conclusions. It is concluded that foreign art studies are actively studying the problems of the development of enamel art. It is established that enamel art in its monumental dimension was started at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century, and in Ukraine, this process falls at the end of the twentieth century. There is a steady use in art studies of technical and technological methods of studying works of art in general and enamel art in particular. Artistic enamel is regarded as a syncretic form of art that uses the methods of creative expression of painting, graphics, sculpture, and other types through the lens of enamel technical capabilities.


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Art, decorative art, restaurant