Interpretation of fiction texts in the intermedial dimension. "Fiançailles for rire" of Francis Poulenc


  • Iryna Vezhnevets



intermedialism, symbolism, narrative, psychological “musical portrait”, interpretation.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the interpretation of artistic texts of the vocal cycle of F. Poulenc on the poem by Louise de Wilmoren "Engagement is a joke" in the intermedial dimension. In addition to the general characteristics of the chamber-vocal cycle of F. Poulenc, the analysis of the poetic text, the peculiarities of its compositional reading, to comprehend the significance of the form of French vocal culture "musical portrait". Outline intermediality as a phenomenon of art in the space of culture. Methodology: comparative, structural methods and narrative analysis to understand the deep psychological processes that occur during the interpretation of "musical portraits". The scientific novelty is the study of the interaction of poetic style and form of "musical portrait" as the basis of internal textual connections of the work of art, and the relationship of the artistic language of different arts, which are coordinated in the process of interpretation into the intermediality space. Conclusions. The musical portrayal is substantiated as a kind of intermedia interpretation of artistic texts. "Musical portrait" as a form of French vocal culture is a full-fledged semiotic space, with a universal textual category of intertextuality, along with the specific characteristics of its sign system, conveys "figurative" information. Correlation of poetic texts, features of intersemiotic translation of figurative structures which carry information by means and at the expense of aesthetic possibilities of other kinds of arts - is an actual theme of the present. Correlation of poetic texts, features of intersemiotic translation of figurative structures which carry information by means and at the expense of aesthetic possibilities of other kinds of arts - is an actual theme of the present. A special type of intratextual relationships is formed in a work of art - intermediality, based on the interaction of artistic codes of different types of art.


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Musical art