Development of a spatial method for the estimation of signal strenth at the input of the 802.11 standard receiver




a wireless channel of the 802.11 standard, signal strength distribution, multibeam wave propagation


We proposed a spatial method for the evaluation of signal strength at the input of the receiver for the 802.11x family of standards. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted of the basic energy characteristic for any wireless channel of the 802.11 standard and a model of the signal distribution was derived. The advantage of this method is the ease of implementation and the possibility to take into account a maximally possible number of destabilizing factors that can be relevant for a particular room.

Based on the experimental evaluation of spatial distribution of strength for a typical room and for a corner placement of access point, we received a universal mathematical model and permissible limits of its change.

It was established that the level of signal fluctuations indoors is affected by such basic independent components: reflected signals from the room surfaces, interference obstacles and noise. In the frequency range of 2.4 GHz for the 802.11 standard, there occurs a rather heterogeneous distribution of signals in the room with the creation of amplification and weakening regions with a difference of up to 10 dBm, and under the most difficult conditions – up to 25 dBm. It was also established that the heterogeneity of signal distribution increases proportionally to the number of reflective surfaces in a room, which is additionally enhanced by the presence of interference obstacles and noise

Author Biography

Dmytro Mykhalevskiy, Vinnytsia National Technical University Khmelnytske highway, 95, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Telecommunication Systems and Television


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How to Cite

Mykhalevskiy, D. (2017). Development of a spatial method for the estimation of signal strenth at the input of the 802.11 standard receiver. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(9 (88), 29–36.



Information and controlling system