Development of procedure to control flow distribution in water supply networks in real time




water supply network, flow distribution control, control procedure, zone of insufficient head, control nodes


It is required to substantiate the method for determining the number of control nodes both during designing networks taking into consideration its supply, and in the process of its operation when hydraulic characteristics of the sections change. It is necessary in order to substantially reduce energy consumption of pumping equipment and to prevent significant leakage. The processes of formation of zones of insufficient head in water supply systems were explored. The method of flow distribution control in water supply network, which makes it possible to substantiate the necessary and sufficient number of control nodes and the place of their location, was proposed.

It was shown that the resulting decisions are coordinated with the existing methods for ensuring the necessary head in a network. This opens additional opportunities in flow distribution control, namely, specification of control nodes location in the water supply system during its operation.

As a result of the studies, the principle of determining the number of control nodes was proposed, which makes it possible, depending on the area of zones with insufficient head, to determine their necessary number when designing a water supply network and specify the location during operation.

According to the presented procedure of flow distribution control in water supply systems, hydraulic calculations for various modes of water pumping are performed, water consumption in the sections that are in operation at the time of measurement of piezometer in control nodes is determined. The actual node heads are determined, the nodes on the border of the zones with insufficient head, from which, if necessary, additional head control nodes are assigned, are established. At the stage of networks designing, a change in operation parameters of the network is modeled. Piezometric marks in the nodes are determined relative to supply nodes, where the head value is specified. The criterion for selection of the number of control nodes and their location places is the magnitude of minimum head in them and the dimensions of the zones with insufficient head.

There were developed the recommendations and supplements to existing practices of flow distribution control, which determine the number and location of control nodes at the stage of design and in the process of the operation of water supply networks. This makes it possible to maintain the necessary head in network nodes, prevent its exceeding, which helps to reduce leakage and power consumption costs at pumping stations

Author Biography

Oksana Dobrovolska, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy Soborny ave., 226, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69006

PhD, Associate Professor

Depatment of water supply and sanitation


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How to Cite

Dobrovolska, O. (2018). Development of procedure to control flow distribution in water supply networks in real time. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8 (96), 17–24.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment