Thermodynamic efficiency of use of heat pumps for comfortable conditions in indoor pools


  • Михайло Костянтинович Безродний National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Politekhnicheskaya st. 6, room 425, Kyiv-056, Ukraine 03056, Ukraine
  • Тарас Володимирович Дранік National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Politekhnicheskaya st. 6, room 425, Kyiv-056, Ukraine 03056, Ukraine



Heat pump, system dehumidification, pool ventilation systems


Today it is common to use heat pumps in air conditioning systems (split systems). It is also known that heat pumps are used to maintain comfort conditions in indoor pools, but there is no sound data on the thermodynamic efficiency of their use in heating and cooling systems. The article analytically and using the method of balance equations, analyzes the thermodynamic efficiency of the system of comfortable conditions in an indoor pool using a heat pump. Graphic dependences of main parameters that characterize the efficiency of the system on temperature of the surrounding air were presented. It was determined that in order to maintain the heat balance of the scheme the more efficient and rational option is to discharge excess heat into the environment. It was found that the efficiency of the heat pump scheme is little dependent on ambient temperature and is determined by the temperature of the pool water, and as a result, by the air temperature in the pool. The results can be used in the design of heating systems, ventilation and air-conditioning of indoor pools

Author Biographies

Михайло Костянтинович Безродний, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Politekhnicheskaya st. 6, room 425, Kyiv-056, Ukraine 03056

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Theoretic and industrial heating engineering sub-department

Тарас Володимирович Дранік, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Politekhnicheskaya st. 6, room 425, Kyiv-056, Ukraine 03056

Graduate student

Theoretic and industrial heating engineering sub-department


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How to Cite

Безродний, М. К., & Дранік, Т. В. (2013). Thermodynamic efficiency of use of heat pumps for comfortable conditions in indoor pools. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(8(63), 25–30.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment