Comparative tests of contact elements at current collectors in order to comprehensively assess their operational performance
pantograph pads, current collector inserts, contact material, contacts wear, contact plate, electric vehiclesAbstract
We have studied the interaction between contact elements in the pantographs of electric transport under operation at the sections of railroads powered by direct and alternating current. In contrast to known techniques for bench tests, we investigated the mechanism of current collection and wear resistance at the new testing installation over a minimally narrow region of the sliding contact, simulating the phenomenon of a pantograph "cut". This installation can be used both industrially when manufacturing new contact elements and under laboratory setting when studying wear resistance.
The experimental research confirmed that the wear intensity of contact elements at pantographs depends on current load over a contact area, the magnitude of contact pressure, the area of a contact surface, and motion speed. We have practically proven a possibility to maintain a reliable contact connection in the sliding contact under extreme operating conditions when using a reliable contact material for the current collector pads.
It has been proposed to use the powder composition BrIG based on bronze, iron, and graphite, for making contact elements for pantographs that could provide for reliable contact when interacting with the contact wire. Application of new and high-quality contact materials affects the tribology and stability of interaction between plates and the contact wire.
Owing to our study, a possibility has been established to manufacture a reliable contact element BrIG, which would prolong the time of interaction in the contact pair "pantograph at electric transport ‒ contact network".
The practical significance of this research relates to the proven efficiency of utilizing the new contact material BrIG for electric railroad transport network, in trolley buses and trams.
Thus, one can argue about the possibility to prolong the time of operation for the contact pair "pad in a pantograph at electric transport ‒ contact network" by applying the new contact material BrIGReferences
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