Advancement of a long arithmetic technology in the construction of algorithms for studying linear systems
method of basic matrices, precise calculations, ill-conditioned system of linear equationsAbstract
We have advanced the application of algorithms within a method of basic matrices, which are equipped with the technology of long arithmetic to improve the precision of performing the basic operations in the course of studying the ill-conditioned linear systems, specifically, the systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE). Identification of the fact of ill-conditionality of a system is a rather time-consuming computational procedure. The possibility to control computations entering the state of incorrectness and the impossibility of accumulating calculation errors, which is a desirable property of the methods and algorithms for solving practical problems, were introduced.
Modern computers typically use the standard types of integers whose size does not exceed 64 bytes. This hardware limitation was resolved using software, specifically, by developing a proprietary type of data in the form of a special Longnum library in the C++ language (using the STL (Standard Template Library)). Software implementation was aimed at carrying out computations for methods of basic matrices (MBM) and Gauss matrices, that is, long arithmetic for models with rational elements was used. We have proposed the algorithms and computer realization of the Gauss type methods and methods of artificial basic matrices (a variant of the method of basic matrices) in MatLAB environment and Visual C++ environment using precise computation of the methods' elements, first of all, for the ill-conditioned systems of varying dimensionality. The Longnum library with the types of long integers (longint3) and rational numbers (longrat3) with the numerator and denominator of the longint3 type was developed. Arithmetic operations on long integers were performed based on the modern methods, including the Strassen multiplication method. We give the results from the computational experiment employing the mentioned methods, in which test models of the systems were generated, specifically, based on the Gilbert matrices of different dimensionalityReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Volodymyr Kudin, Viacheslav Onotskyi, Ali Al-Ammouri, Lyudmyla Shkvarchuk

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