Determining the effect of the composition of an aluminosilicate binder on the rheotechnological properties of adhesives for wood




aluminosilicate adhesive, dynamic and plastic viscosity, surface tension, wetting angle, shear force, wood backing


Main rheotechnological properties of aluminosilicate adhesives for gluing wood arrays have been investigated. It was established that for adhesives based on the alkaline aluminosilicate binding agent with a composition of Na2O×Al2O3×4.5SiO2×17.5H2O dynamic viscosity in the range of speeds from 0 to 200 RPM varies from 6.933 sP to 368.4 Sp, and the mean plastic viscosity takes the magnitude of 86.27 sP. At the same value of surface tension and cohesive work, the smallest angle of wetting (cosQ=0.7973) and the largest coefficients of wetting (s=0.8986) and spreadability (f=–6.5 mN/m), as well as the work of adhesion forces (Wa=58.23 mN/m), wetting (Wa=58.23 mN/m), are demonstrated by beech backing, followed by alder, ash, pine, birch, and oak.

For adhesives based on the alkaline aluminosilicate binding agent with a composition of Na2O×Al2O3×6SiO2×20H2O dynamic viscosity in the speed range from 0 to 200 RPM varies from 5.340 sP to 374.4 sP, and the mean plastic viscosity takes the magnitude of 85.72 sP. At the same value of surface tension and cohesive work, the smallest angle of wetting (cosQ=0.5876) and the largest coefficients of wetting (s=0.7938) and spreadability (f=–19.34 mN/m), as well as the work of adhesion forces (Wa=74.46 mN/m), wetting (Ww=27.56 mN/m), are demonstrated by alder backing, followed by pine, oak, birch, beech, and ash.

For the adhesive with a composition of Na2O×Al2O3×4.5SiO2×17.5H2O, at low values of shear rate, from 0.0378 to 1.05 1/sec, the shear force increases from 26.21 dyne/cm2 to 48.64 dyne/cm2. The data obtained significantly exceed the same indicators for a liquid glass at high shear rates, from 14 to 39 1/sec. For the adhesive with a composition of Na2O×Al2O3×6SiO2×20H2O, at low shear speeds there is a sharp increase in the shear effort, from 40 to 110 dyne cm2. This is due to the dispersion processes in the silica component. At an increase in the shear speed values from 5 to 42 1/sec, the shear effort increases from 110 to 158 dyne/cm2. This relates to the stabilization of viscosity values with the formation of a homogeneous adhesive structure

Author Biographies

Sergii Guzii, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotsky ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037

PhD, Senior Researcher

V. D. Glukhovsky Scientific Research Institute of Binders and Materials

Pavlo Kryvenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotsky ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

V. D. Glukhovsky Scientific Research Institute of Binders and Materials

Olena Guzii, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotsky ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037


Sergey Yushkevich, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Glass


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How to Cite

Guzii, S., Kryvenko, P., Guzii, O., & Yushkevich, S. (2019). Determining the effect of the composition of an aluminosilicate binder on the rheotechnological properties of adhesives for wood. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6 (102), 30–38.



Technology organic and inorganic substances