Model and method for determining conditional formula hydrocarbon fuel combustion
hydrocarbon fuel, determination of conditional formula, products of combustion, mathematical modelAbstract
The method and the model are proposed, based on the equations of chemical equilibrium, partial pressures of the gases included in the products of combustion,Dalton's law, relationship of volume flow rates of fuel and oxidizer and the stoichiometric balance of the valences of oxidation-reduction cells for gaseous fuel. The numerical solution of nonlinear model was found using theNewton's method by expansion of the system equations in aTaylorseries on degrees not higher than the first. The developed method allows determing the quantitative composition of fuel and its conditional formula, fuel enthalpy, composition of the products of combustion. The method is based on using the measured consumption rates of fuel components and corresponding temperature in the combustion chamber as the input data. The method and model allow obtaining accurate calculation results with the known elemental composition of fuel [C], [H], [O].
The accuracy of the mathematical model allows using the results obtained on its basis to assess the parametric sensitivity.
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