Energetically possibility of gas turbine power plant air-heat recovery


  • Вячеслав Алексеевич Коваль Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering . AN Podgorny NASU Str. Pozharsky , 2/10 , Kharkov , Ukraine, 61046, Ukraine
  • Юрий Михайлович Ануров Engineering Center of the conceptual design Str. Trefoleva , 2 , lit. W. , St. Petersburg, Russia , 198097, Russian Federation
  • Анатолий Иосифович Васильев Engineering Academy of Ukraine Str. Pozharsky , 2/10 , Kharkov , Ukraine, 61046, Ukraine




gas turbine engine, air turbine assembly, recycling, heat recovery, efficiency, power


A scheme for gas turbine power plant running on "dry" without the participation of the recycling cycle steam working fluid. The scheme includes a core gas turbine engine heat exchanger and a secondary air turbine unit that produces more usable power. The results of numerical investigation of the basic parameters of the workflow on the efficiency of the machine. On the example of the actual implementation of the project unit GTE-050M possibility of using it as part of the power plant. The advantages of the use of the unit for production of electricity and heat. Comparative economic assessment carried out for the two circuits of power plants with the same unit capacity of 45 MW , working on a simple thermodynamic cycle ( GTE-45) and the GTE-050M , show that the price of natural gas is the fuel of $ 500 U.S. and the operating time 7500 hours of annual economic impact will be about $ 10 million.

Author Biographies

Вячеслав Алексеевич Коваль, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering . AN Podgorny NASU Str. Pozharsky , 2/10 , Kharkov , Ukraine, 61046

Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow

Юрий Михайлович Ануров, Engineering Center of the conceptual design Str. Trefoleva , 2 , lit. W. , St. Petersburg, Russia , 198097

Ph.D., Chief Designer

Анатолий Иосифович Васильев, Engineering Academy of Ukraine Str. Pozharsky , 2/10 , Kharkov , Ukraine, 61046

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academy President


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How to Cite

Коваль, В. А., Ануров, Ю. М., & Васильев, А. И. (2013). Energetically possibility of gas turbine power plant air-heat recovery. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(66), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.18719



Energy-saving technologies and equipment