Improving the efficiency of water fire extinguishing systems operation by using guanidine polymers
polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride, water extinguishing agent, firefighting, hydrodynamic activity, Toms effectAbstract
This study has established the possibility of obtaining water extinguishing agents, which can reduce hydraulic resistance (with the Toms effect) by using guanidine derivatives.
A cationic polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride surfactant with a molecular weight of 10,000–11,000 u was used for experimental study.
It has been shown that the addition of insignificant concentrations (0.03–0.290 %) of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride, which belongs to class IV of toxicity and is an effective inhibitor of biocorrosion, increases a flow rate of water fire extinguishing agent by 1.20–1.78 times when using the RSK-50 fire barrel.
We have established experimentally an increase in the flow rate of a polymer solution from drencher nozzles by 1.86–7.69 % in the concentration range (0.3–1.4 %) along the examined pipeline (1 m and 13 m). An increase in pressure by 2–6 % has been observed compared with the initial values under such conditions.
The used polymer has properties of a "biologically soft" surfactant and meets high environmental requirements of the environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. One can use it to develop formulations for environmentally acceptable water extinguishing agents and their application in firefighting practice.
The above allows us to argue that the directed use of salts of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride is possible to reduce hydraulic losses in water extinguishing systems. One can apply them to improve engineering and technical measures for preventing and responding to emergenciesReferences
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