Investigation of change of quality indicators of gluten-free bread during storage
bean flour, vegetable powders, special dietary bread, vitamins, microelementsAbstract
The content of vitamins and microelements in vegetable powders, flour of legumes and in bread made with their use was investigated. The degree of staling of gluten-free bread was determined and, on the basis of the obtained regularities, the timing of the sale of special bread was scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed. The relevance of the studies carried out is due to the shortage of special dietary consumption products, the under-filling of the market for which is about 23 % of the total production. As a result of the study, it was found that the composition of the powder from carrots of the Daucus carota variety and the powder from the beets of the Beta vulgaris L. variety contained vitamins: А, Е, С, В1, В5, В6, В9, В12, K, РР and trace elements: Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, I, Se, Zn. Vitamins A, E, C, В6, В9, В12 and microelements: Mg, Fe, Cu, I, Se, Zn are found in soy and chickpea flour. The degree of nutrient retention after the manufacture of specialized bread and after 72 hours of storage has been determined. Losses occur in the content of vitamins A, E, C and trace elements Fe, Cu. After 72 hours of storage, the developed types of bread, provided that 100 g per day are consumed, cover 50 % of the daily requirement for fortified vitamins and microelements. It has been established that the terms of sale of the "Protein" bread are 48 hours. The sales terms of "Carrot" and "Beet" bread are 72 hours, the decrease in the degree of staling of the bread is due to the use of vegetable powders (carriers of pectin), which is confirmed by an increase in the hydrophilic properties of the crumb of bread. The established patterns are important for scientists that they are working on the creation of gluten-free bread for dietary nutrition with improved quality indicators during storage, which is one of the priority and urgent tasks of the food industry
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Copyright (c) 2020 Yana Biletska, Galina Djukareva, Alla Nekos, Andrii Husliev, Anna Krivtsova, Myushfik Bakirov, Valentyn Polupan, Vyacheslav Оnyshchenko, Evgenia Sokolova

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