Improving the calculation of collecting perforated pipelines for water treatment structures




variable flow rate, collecting perforated pipeline, perforation hole flow rate factor, pipe duty factor


This paper reports the results of the experimental and theoretical studies of the characteristics of perforated pipelines, which are used to collect and dispose water from capacitive treatment structures of water supply and sewerage systems. The value and nature of the change in the flow rate through the perforation holes µcol lengthwise a pipeline have been examined depending on the design characteristics of the perforated pipes and parameters of a fluid flow in the pipeline. Measurements were carried out at a specially assembled experimental bench. The experiments determined the nature of changes in the flow rate value, as well as in the piezometric line along the collector. The obtained data showed that the flow rate factor µcol varies along the length of the collecting channel. Its value depends on the ratio of the velocity of the fluid jets that enter the pipe to the average velocity in the examined cross-section (Uh/V). In this case, this ratio also changes along the path; it has a maximum value at the beginning of the pipe and a minimum value at its end. The variable flow rate factor of perforation holes, on the contrary, had a minimum at the beginning and a maximum at the end of the collector. The result of the analysis of initial equations and the findings based on experimental data has shown that calculations may assume, without a significant error, the flow rate factor value of perforation holes µcol to be constant lengthwise the collector. The impact of the transit flow rate on the value of this coefficient has also been estimated. It is shown that the increase in transit leads to a certain increase in the flow rate factor, which is averaged for the entire collector. The paper proposes empirical dependences that are convenient to use in order to calculate the flow rate factor, both variable and constant, for the case of the presence and absence of transit in the head drainage channel

Author Biographies

Andriy Kravchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotskyi ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Water Supply and Water Disposal

Gennadii Kochetov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotskyi ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Chemistry

Oleksandr Kravchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotskyi ave., 31, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03037

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Water Supply and Water Disposal


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How to Cite

Kravchuk, A., Kochetov, G., & Kravchuk, O. (2020). Improving the calculation of collecting perforated pipelines for water treatment structures. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10 (108), 23–28.