Modeling of a system of quality assessment indicators of measuring instruments
quality indicators, measuring instrument, metrological characteristics, metrological reliability, life cycle, multiple modelAbstract
Modern measuring instruments (MI) are of great importance for providing measurements in all areas of the national economy. Their main purpose is to conduct accurate and reliable measurements in order to obtain complete and reliable measurement information. To perform this important function, MI must be of appropriate quality, which must be reliably assessed.
In the traditional definition, MI is a technical means that is used in measurements and has standardized characteristics. For technical means, there is a traditional system of quality indicators. In addition to these quality indicators, additional specific indicators should be established for MI, which should objectively assess the metrological characteristics.
The expediency of creating and using a special system of quality indicators for all stages of the MI life cycle is proved. Building such a system requires maximum use of quantitative characteristics that express certain quality indicators. Important indicators of this system are a number of MI indicators related to metrological characteristics. For MI, it is also advisable to use a common system of quality indicators for technical facilities.
The proposed multiple models of MI quality indicators and evaluation of MI quality indicators allow studying the influence of MI quality indicators and performing their evaluation at all stages of the MI life cycle. Understanding and managing the system for evaluating MI quality indicators helps to increase efficiency in achieving planned results. For effective implementation of these models, it is necessary to use regulated requirements of some international and regional standards and recommendations
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Copyright (c) 2021 Олег Миколайович Величко, Олег Вікторович Грабовський, Тетяна Богданівна Гордієнко, Сергій Леонідович Волков

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