Theoretical study of the grate-saw-type large-litter cleaner of the mounted type




mounted cleaner, large litter, grate, seed damage, free fiber, cleaning effect


This paper reports a theoretical study into the saw-type-grate section of a large litter cleaner in mounted cleaners that operate on a cotton harvester, as well as the theoretical and experimental justifications for its parameters. The effect exerted by a mounted cleaner on the process of cleaning raw cotton when processing in a cotton gin has been studied.

A theoretical model of the impact of grates on weeds in cleaning processes has been developed. A condition for repelling the litter by grates and removing it from a cotton technological flow has been studied. The use of grates with a flat-shaped front edge allows for a steady reduction in the amount of damage in the raw cotton fiber, which improves the fiber quality and leads to a decrease in the number of defects and debris.

The experimental and theoretical studies have produced evidence that enables the efficient operation of mounted-type cleaning machines in the cotton-cleaning industry.

The movements of raw cotton as a viscoelastic body at the free impact of litter with the teeth of the saw against a stationary surface of the grate were investigated; the force schemes between the grates and saws were considered. The effect of a saw-type drum on the technological properties of raw cotton was investigated, namely on seed damage and the formation of the free fiber.

A model of interaction between weed particles and grates was considered; the trajectories of the litter flight were shown in the function of the slope of the grate and the recovery factor.

The issues of the relationship between the physical-mechanical properties of raw cotton, the elastic characteristics of raw cotton, and the impact force of cotton flies against the grate with a flat working face. Solving these issues could make it possible to determine the optimal structure of the raw cotton cleaning mechanisms, which would improve the effectiveness of cleaning raw cotton from weeds.

Based on the identified functional links, it has become possible to construct new or improve existing structures of the saw-type grate section of mounted cleaners. Practical experience shows that the use of the designed structure in large litter cleaners of the mounted type produces a significant increase in the cleaning effect of the machine

Author Biographies

Husnu Kadir Karimov , University of Technology of Azerbaijan (UTECA)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Light Industry Engineering and Design

Esmira Mustafayeva, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Elman Jafarov, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Terane Safarova, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Fazil Veliev, Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences


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How to Cite

Karimov , H. K., Mustafayeva, E., Jafarov, E., Safarova, T., & Veliev, F. (2021). Theoretical study of the grate-saw-type large-litter cleaner of the mounted type. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7 (110), 74–84.



Applied mechanics