Features of heating hardening reinforced concrete process design and control by the internal heat sources
concrete, hardening in the cold, internal heat sources, temperature fields modelingAbstract
Thermal processes, occurring during heating the concrete, hardening in the cold are analyzed. The features of hardening concrete heating process design and control are analyzed. The objective of the work, which lies in lowering energy consumption through optimal design and control of technological processes, which use intense heating of concrete products in construction, is formulated. Basic problems such as analyzing the causes of energy loss during electrical heating of concrete by internal heat sources, constructing a mathematical model of heat transfer processes at such heating method and experimental verification of the developed model are stated and solved.
The mathematical model, used in the design and control to optimize electricity expenditure for heating is built. Accuracy of the proposed model is confirmed experimentally by comparing the calculation results with the data, obtained by direct and indirect measurement of temperature fields. The problem of optimizing heat transfer in hardening concrete, based on the proposed heating model is considered. The objective optimization function – total electricity consumption in heaters is outlined. Optimizing arguments - the distance between heaters and their diameters, as well as current in heaters, are formulated. Limitations - the range of variation in average temperature on the concrete part surface and the maximum permissible value of the surface temperature spread are highlighted. The conditions and assumptions, made when stating and solving optimization problems are formulated.
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