Improving a model of the induction traction motor operation involving non-symmetric stator windings
induction traction motor, traction drive of electric locomotive, asymmetry of windings, saturation of the magnetic circuitAbstract
The analysis of operating conditions of induction traction motors as part of traction electric drives of electric locomotives reported here has revealed that they are powered by autonomous voltage inverters with asymmetric non-sinusoidal voltage. It was established that the induction motor operation may be accompanied by defects caused by the asymmetrical modes of the motor stator. A model of the induction motor has been proposed that takes into consideration changes in the values of mutual inductance of phases and complete inductance of the magnetization circuit due to changes in the geometric dimensions of the winding caused by a certain defect. An algorithm that considers the saturation of the magnetic circuit of the electric motor has been proposed.
This approach to modeling an induction motor is important because if one of the stator's windings is damaged, its geometry changes. This leads to a change in the mutual inductance of phases and the complete inductance of the magnetization circuit. Existing approaches to modeling an induction motor do not make it possible to fully take into consideration these changes.
The result of modeling is the determined starting characteristics for an intact and damaged engine. The comparison of modeling results for an intact engine with specifications has shown that the error in determining the controlled parameters did not exceed 5 %. The modeling results for the damaged engine demonstrated that the nature of change in the controlled parameters did not contradict the results reported by other authors. The discrepancy in determining the degree of change in the controlled parameters did not exceed 10 %. That indicates a high reliability of the modeling results.
The proposed model of an induction electric motor could be used to investigate electromagnetic processes occurring in an electric motor during its operation as part of the traction drive of electric locomotives
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