Development of mathematical models and optimization of operation modes of the oil heating station of main oil pipelines under conditions of fuzzy initial information
mathematical models, optimization, multi-criteria selection, main oil pipelines, oil heating station, fuzzy information, decision-maker, heuristic methodAbstract
The relevance of the study is substantiated by the fact that when managing the processes of oil transportation through main pipelines, it becomes necessary to determine and select the optimal operating modes of the oil pipeline units, taking into account the fuzziness of some part of the initial information. In this regard, solving the problem of multi-criteria selection of effective operating modes for an oil heating station for a hot oil pipeline system, which is often described in a fuzzy environment, based on the apparatus of fuzzy set theories, is an urgent scientific and practical problem. A method for the synthesis of models in the conditions of fuzzy output parameters of the object has been developed, with the help of which fuzzy models of the investigated oil heating station of the main oil pipeline have been built. Based on the modification and combination of various optimality principles, mathematical formulations of the problem of multi-criteria selection of effective operating modes for an oil heating station in a fuzzy environment are obtained. By modifying and adapting the principles of guaranteed results and equality in a fuzzy environment, a heuristic method has been developed for solving the formulated problem of selecting object's operation modes using the initial fuzzy information. The proposed heuristic method for multi-criteria selection in a fuzzy environment is based on the use of the experience and knowledge of the decision-maker. The proposed approach is implemented in the formulation and solution of the problem of multi-criteria selection of operating modes of the oil heating station in Atyrau of the Uzen-Atyrau-Samara main oil pipeline. As a result of the application of the proposed method, an improvement in the degree of fulfillment of a fuzzy restriction on environmental impact was achieved by 2 %, as well as the optimal values of the operating parameters of the object were improved: the temperature was reduced by 1.85 % (5.67 K), pressure – by 0.04 % (kPa) and fuel consumption – by 2.9 % (0.0002 kg/s). The obtained results have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach to solving the assigned tasks.
Supporting Agency
- We are grateful to Zhasulan Tuleuov, Yerbol Tulegenov and Bakytzhan Bultekov, who provided very important information for this study. The research data was sponsored by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No.of the research fund AP08855680–Intelligent decision support system for managing the operating modes of a catalytic reforming unit).
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