Development an optimization plan for redistributing pension assets applying information technologies




risk-oriented approach, information and communication support, pension system, investment income, pension assets


The issue of the significance of the role of information technologies in the pension system was highlighted. The information and communication model of the state regulation of financial support of the pension system in the market of non-banking financial services was considered. The essence of information and communication support of the risk-oriented approach to the system of accumulative pension provision, which involves preventing the information and technological probability of risks, was explored. The issues of development of non-bank financial institutions as entities of aggregate financial potential were explored and promising directions of increasing the efficiency of their functioning with the use of information technologies were outlined. The necessity of introducing the mechanism of information and communication provision of the state regulation of accumulative system of pension provision by means of mandatory payment of contributions to individual pension accounts and their further investment as an important component of social protection of the population was considered. The algorithm of construction of the mechanism of information and communication provision of the risk-oriented approach to the accumulative pension system was proposed. The main indicators of the implementation of the accumulative component of the pension system were analyzed. The need for the interaction of the elements of the risk-oriented system of accumulative pensions was substantiated. Information technologies of investment of pension savings as a long-term investment resource in interaction of elements of the risk-oriented system of the accumulative pension provision were considered. The needs of introducing a risk-oriented approach to accumulated assets to strengthen social protection of participants in the non-banking financial services market were highlighted. The results of the redistribution between the cluster proved a close relationship of incomes of population and long-term pension savings.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Achkasova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Assosiate Professor

Department of Banking and Financial Services

Yevheniia Malyshko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Assosiate Professor

Department of Finance


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How to Cite

Achkasova, S., & Malyshko, Y. (2021). Development an optimization plan for redistributing pension assets applying information technologies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(13 (114), 72–79.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology