Analyzing hydrodynamics in hollow perforated shell of centrifugal oscillating granulator
prilling, radial blades, forward-curved blades, centrifugal oscillating granulator, hydrodynamicsAbstract
A numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics of liquid flowing in a hollow perforated shell with a small value Re was carried out using the ANSYS CFX software, which shows the pattern of distributing its flow velocity in the granulator working cavity and before an outflow port.
The numerical research allowed specifying (correcting) the calculation of outflow velocity of a melt jet and finding the way of improving the velocity (head) of the melt flowing out from ports of the granulator basket, by upgrading the design of a rotary oscillating granulator: increasing the number of blades or selecting their geometrical shape, depending on the granulator operating parameters. By increasing the head, the probability of plugging and alteration of geometrical sizes of outflow ports decreases. This enables using the granulator for dispersing melts with solid impurities (additives).
The obtained results were analyzed and applied for developing a modified centrifugal oscillating granulator of the melt with nitrogen fertilizers, which has passed experimental and industrial tests.
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