Optimization of garbage removal within a territorial community





optimization of garbage collection route, clustering, task of the traveling salesman, development of territorial communities


This paper proposes an algorithm for optimizing the garbage collection route in a local community (or a separate settlement). The study was conducted for one garbage truck. To achieve the maximum efficiency of the algorithm, it has been assumed that the points of discharge of collected waste by a garbage truck could be arranged along the way between the proposed clusters of garbage collection points. The optimization of the built routes has been proven, taking into consideration the above assumptions. The study's results could be used to reduce the budget expenditures by territorial community authorities for the collection and disposal of waste. The reported solutions could significantly shorten the garbage collection time, which would improve the environmental and aesthetic situation within the study area. The use of a new algorithm makes it possible to display the results both in quantitative and qualitative forms.

An improved k-means algorithm with a maximum cluster size was selected for clustering. Each cluster was built on the basis of the maximal value of garbage truck tonnage. That means that the size of the cluster would be determined by the value of the maximum amount of waste that can be removed by a garbage truck in one run.

A task of the traveling salesman was applied to find the shortest path between representatives of one cluster (garbage collection points) calling at all its points and to establish the optimal path between all the clusters formed for a territorial community.

The issue related to efficient waste disposal in local communities tends to aggravate rapidly while the task to optimize garbage collection and removal is becoming increasingly acute. This is because at present, along with the increase in the global population, all types of production are increasing their volumes, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the amount of waste, in particular, household.

Supporting Agency

  • Висловлюємо подяку Бігун Ніколєтті Ярославівні за участь у написанні комп’ютерної програми для оптимізації вивозу сміття у територіальних громадах.

Author Biographies

Roman Bihun, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Information Systems and Networks

Vasyl Lytvyn, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Information Systems and Networks


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How to Cite

Bihun, R., & Lytvyn, V. (2022). Optimization of garbage removal within a territorial community. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(115), 24–30. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.252001



Control processes