Improving the efficiency of an aircraft power plant with a turboprop engine based on water-methanol mixture injection




turboprop engine, boosting, performance characteristics, water, mathematical model, harmful emissions


This paper considers a technique for modernizing the power plant (PP) of a regional aircraft. The modernization is based on the injection of water or a water-methanol mixture into the compressor or combustion chamber of a turboprop engine (TPE). An algorithm has been developed for the thermodynamic calculation of TPE parameters, taking into consideration the injected mixture; the mathematical model (MM) has been improved. Methodical studies of the operability and range of application of the improved MM were carried out. The results of mathematical modeling were validated. For verification, the AI-450M turboshaft engine produced by GP Ivchenko-Progress (Ukraine) was used as an object of research. Based on the improved MM, a software module has been developed to study the performance characteristics of a regional aircraft with a TPE. The influence of water injection and a water-methanol mixture on the TPE operating process and the operational characteristics of a regional passenger aircraft has been studied.

The proposed measures could be implemented in existing TPEs. This would allow the operation of aircraft without significant modernization of the airport infrastructure. For TPE, the injection of water and a water-methanol mixture is an alternative way of boosting in order to temporarily improve performance. A given modernization technique could improve the TPE power up to ~10 %, as well as reduce the amount of harmful emissions.

The results obtained showed a satisfactory convergence of estimated and experimental data. The error of the results under the accepted assumptions does not exceed 3 %. The calculation results demonstrate the advantages of injection at the take-off stage of the aircraft to reduce the take-off distance (up to 45 % in hot conditions TAMB=+30 °C) and reduce the time of climbing the echelon (~10 %)

Author Biographies

Yurii Ulitenko, State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress"


Department of Advanced Development and Gas Dynamic Calculations

Vasyl Loginov, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Aircraft Engine Design

Igor Kravchenko, State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Enterprise

Viktor Popov, Private Joint-Stock Company "FED"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Board

Oleksandr Rasstrygin, Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Research Department No. 5

Olexandr Yelans'ky, State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress"


Department of Advanced Development and Gas Dynamic Calculations


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How to Cite

Ulitenko, Y., Loginov, V., Kravchenko, I., Popov, V., Rasstrygin, O., & Yelans’ky, O. (2022). Improving the efficiency of an aircraft power plant with a turboprop engine based on water-methanol mixture injection. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(1 (116), 6–15.



Engineering technological systems