Comparison of thorium nitride and uranium nitride fuel on small modular pressurized water reactor in neutronic analysis using SRAC code
PWR, SRAC, thorium nitride, uranium nitride, modular reactor, excess reactivityAbstract
Comparison of thorium nitride (ThN) and uranium nitride (UN) fuel on small modular PWR in neutronic analysis has been carried out. PWR in module is one type of reactor that can be utilized because of its small size so that it can be placed on demand. Neutronic calculations were performed using SRAC version 2006, the data library using JENDL 4.0. The first calculation was fuel pin (PIJ) calculation with hexagonal fuel pin cell type. And the second calculation was reactor core (CITATION) calculation using homogeneous and heterogeneous core configurations. ThN and UN fuels use heterogeneous configurations with 3 fuel variations. The reactor geometry was used in two fuels are the same, with diameter and height active core was 300 cm and 100 cm. In this research, Np-237 was added as a minor actinide in the UN fuel to reduce the amount of Np-237 in the world and also reduce the k-eff value. For ThN fuel, Pa-231 also added in the fuel to reduce the k-eff value. The optimum configuration of UN fuel reached when used heterogeneous core configuration case four with percentage of U-235 in F1=5.5 %, F2=7 % and F3=8.5 % also with the addition of Np-237 0.2 % and fuel fraction 56 %. It has a maximum excess reactivity value 12.56 % %∆k/k. And then, the optimum configuration of ThN fuel reached when used heterogeneous core configuration case three with percentage of U-233 in F1=2 %, F2=4 % and F3=6 % with the addition of Pa-231 0.5 % and fuel fraction 53 %. It has a maximum excess reactivity value 7.67 % %∆k/k. The comparison of optimum design of UN and ThN fuel shows that the ThN fuel has the k-eff value closer to critical than UN fuel. Therefore, in this study, ThN fuel is more suitable for use in PWR reactors because it has a small excess value and can operate for 10 years without refueling
Supporting Agency
- This research was funded by Universitas Jember, Indonesia, for research activities and publication supports. The authors were thanks to LP2M Universitas Jember for funding the research by Hibah Reworking Skripsi 2021.
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