Importance of the integrated manufacturing execution system for a metallurgical enterprise




integrated management system, software implementation in production, metal products manufacturing


The object of the study is Manufacturing Execution System. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that the metallurgical industry has been demonstrating a high level of volatility in the global market over the past few years. The issue of the effectiveness of the metallurgical enterprise is directly related to ensuring environmental safety. The purpose of the study is to consider how the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) operates in the metallurgical industry and highlight its features, offering recommendations aimed at improving operational efficiency with the introduction of MES systems at enterprises of the metallurgical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The following methods were used in the study: analysis, synthesis, comparison, graphical representation of data. Using the example of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the study examined the relationship between MES and APCS (Automated Process Control System), highlighted the requirements for the transition from individual management of particular cases of technological rules and restrictions to the digitization of general algorithms. It was defined that the advantages of a production system include its fast payback. Also, it was determined that the MES system allows automating production operations and information support, carrying out operational planning, accounting for production and quality of metal products, tracking the history of each product, managing equipment, and analyzing performance. In addition, the recommendations that can be used as a basis for creating an enterprise development program, increasing the level of productivity, therefore, reducing the cost of the enterprise's products, were developed

Author Biography

Serik Kurmanov, Satbayev University

Doctoral Student

Department of Automation and Control

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies


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Importance of the integrated manufacturing execution system for a metallurgical enterprise




How to Cite

Kurmanov, S. (2022). Importance of the integrated manufacturing execution system for a metallurgical enterprise . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(13 (120), 52–58.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology