Justification of the selection of cereal crops for the production of new cereal beverages





grain crops, physical and chemical composition, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, safety of raw materials


One of the most important factors that has a negative impact on the health of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a violation of the diet, due to insufficient consumption of high-grade proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements and their irrational ratio.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, cereals are produced in large volumes, but there is no production of beverages based on vegetable raw materials, although the production of plant-based milk is already widespread throughout the world. The use of local vegetable raw materials from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the production technology of cereal milk beverages is an actual and promising direction in the food industry.

The results of a study of the quality of the following selection grain crops of the Republic of Kazakhstan are presented: rice "Syr Suluy", "Aykerim" and "Marzhan"; oats "Duman", "Bitik", "Arman"; buckwheat "Shortandin", "Batyr" and "Saulyk".

The results of protein analysis in rice grains showed that the “Syr Suluy” variety has higher rates, which amounted to 7.96 %. In the studied samples of oat grains of the Duman variety, the mass fraction of carbohydrates is 2.8 %; 1.54 % higher than the varieties "Bitik" and "Arman". Protein analysis in buckwheat grains showed that the Shortandin variety (13.04 %) has higher rates.

Studies have shown that the studied samples of grain crops in terms of safety comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of grain". The data obtained will be used to develop new technologies for cereal beverages

Author Biographies

Aigerim Khastayeva, JSC "Kazakh "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Technology and standardization"

Almira Bekturganova , JSC "Kazakh "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Technology and standardization"

Aigul Omaraliyeva, JSC "Kazakh "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Technology and standardization"

Zhanar Safuani, JSC "Kazakh "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Technology and standardization"

Bayan Baikhozhayeva, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

PhD student

Department of Technology and Safety of Food Products

Zhanar Botbayeva, JSC "Kazakh "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Technology and standardization"


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Justification of the selection of cereal crops for the production of new cereal beverages




How to Cite

Khastayeva, A., Bekturganova , A., Omaraliyeva, A., Safuani, Z., Baikhozhayeva, B., & Botbayeva, Z. (2022). Justification of the selection of cereal crops for the production of new cereal beverages. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (119), 55–65. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.265811



Technology and Equipment of Food Production