Modeling of biological wastewater treatment plant efficiency


  • Ольга Алексеевна Шевченко Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027, Ukraine
  • Віталій Анатолійович Крупко Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027, Ukraine
  • Леонід Миколайович Клінцов Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027, Ukraine
  • Інна Миколаївна Іванова Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027, Ukraine



wastewater, treatment efficiency, temperature, biological oxygen demand, biocenosis


The research explores the efficiency of wastewater treatment at a biological treatment plant with respect to the biochemical oxygen demand indicators within five days at the inlet and outlet of the treatment plant. Different seasons have been provided with the mathematical models of the plant’s operational efficiency depending on the weather conditions that affect the load on the activated sludge and its treatability (taking into account the reliance on the air temperature, precipitation amount, and the presence of melting snow). The quality of the obtained models is evaluated with the determination coefficient d. The best determination coefficients are: for winter d=0.92, for spring d=0.98, for summer d=0.80, and for autumn d=0.82.

Accounting for the forecast and the obtained dependencies will contribute to the implementation of operational actions, which provide the wastewater treatment quality.

Author Biographies

Ольга Алексеевна Шевченко, Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027


Department of Water Supply and Sanitation

Віталій Анатолійович Крупко, Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027

Graduate student

Department of Water Supply and Sanitation

Леонід Миколайович Клінцов, Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Economic Cybernetics and Informatics

Інна Миколаївна Іванова, Chernihiv National Technological University Str. Shevchenko, 95, Chernigov, Chernigov, 14027

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Water Supply and Sanitation


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How to Cite

Шевченко, О. А., Крупко, В. А., Клінцов, Л. М., & Іванова, І. М. (2014). Modeling of biological wastewater treatment plant efficiency. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10(71), 16–20.