Research of stability and sensibility of the method of prioritisation of key performance indicators of information system


  • Ярослав Иванович Торошанко State university of telecommunications Solomyans’ka, 7, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, Ukraine
  • Владимир Степанович Шматко Kyiv college of communications Leontovycha, 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01030, Ukraine
  • Максим Сергеевич Высочиненко Kyiv college of communications Leontovycha, 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01030, Ukraine
  • Анна Александровна Булаковская National aviation university Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058, Ukraine



key performance indicators, stability, sensitivity, information system, priority level, analytic hierarchy process


The applied multi-criteria optimization problem - selecting the optimal structure of key performance indicators in the information system with heterogeneous data was considered. Preference relations are based on measurement results, probability estimates and subjective judgments. A modified analytic hierarchy process with exact calculations of the priority matrix eigenvalues was applied. Assessments of accuracy, stability and asymptotic sensitivity of the solving algorithms were given.

A mathematical model to assess the distribution of extreme eigenvalues of the pairwise comparison matrix, analyzed in the presence of errors and perturbations of the matrix elements using the analytic hierarchy process for decision-making within the multicriteria problem was developed. It was shown that the benefit from applying the new proposed methodology for accurate calculation of eigenvalues lies in ensuring the solution stability to perturbations of the values of the matrix elements and errors of intermediate calculations.

The obtained results can be used to improve the efficiency of information systems in two ways. Firstly, evaluation accuracy and detail of priorities of selected key indicators according to their relative importance are improved. Secondly, sustainability of information systems at selected and priority-arranged KPIs are critically evaluated.

Author Biographies

Ярослав Иванович Торошанко, State university of telecommunications Solomyans’ka, 7, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

Candidate of technical science, senior staff scientist, professor

Department of the computer systems and networks

Владимир Степанович Шматко, Kyiv college of communications Leontovycha, 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01030

Deputy of director on educational work

Максим Сергеевич Высочиненко, Kyiv college of communications Leontovycha, 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01030

Teacher, laboratory manager

Анна Александровна Булаковская, National aviation university Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

graduate student

Department of the computer systems and components


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How to Cite

Торошанко, Я. И., Шматко, В. С., Высочиненко, М. С., & Булаковская, А. А. (2014). Research of stability and sensibility of the method of prioritisation of key performance indicators of information system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(9(71), 60–65.



Information and controlling system