The influence of shape and type of sowing disc cells on the seed dosage quality


  • Катерина Вікторівна Васильковська Kirovograd National Technical University Av. Universytetskyy 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006, Ukraine
  • Олексій Михайлович Васильковський Kirovograd National Technical University Av. Universytetskyy 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006, Ukraine



cell, dosage quality, distribution uniformity, sowing disc, pneumatic sowing machine


Parameters of peripherally located cells were substantiated, and the influence of their step on the seeds uniformity in a row was determined. Difference in the seeds pitch in the sowing disk for sugar beet seeds ranges from 2.6 to 6.6 mm for round-shaped holes, and from 0 to 1 mm for cells, formed by a suction hole and shovel. That is, using cells, formed by the suction hole and shovel, will provide greater dosage uniformity initially.

According to the research results, section of sowing machine for seeding cultivated crops, in which the proposed pneumatic device with a peripheral arrangement of cells and passive device for removing excess seeds by inertia method was used, was designed to exclude the major shortcomings of modern pneumatic sowing machines and improve their performance.

Author Biographies

Катерина Вікторівна Васильковська, Kirovograd National Technical University Av. Universytetskyy 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Олексій Михайлович Васильковський, Kirovograd National Technical University Av. Universytetskyy 8, Kirovograd, Ukraine, 25006

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural Engineering


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How to Cite

Васильковська, К. В., & Васильковський, О. М. (2014). The influence of shape and type of sowing disc cells on the seed dosage quality. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7(72), 33–36.



Applied mechanics