Study of the efficiency of the electric energy recovery process in the subway


  • Олег Ігорович Саблін Dnipropetrovsk national University of railway transport named after academician Century Lazaryan street Lazaryan, 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, Ukraine



subway, power consumption, electric braking, recovery, electric energy, excess, efficiency indicators, energy saving


Experimental research of qualitative efficiency indicators of the electric energy recovery process in the subway was carried out in the paper. It was found that in Dnipropetrovsk Metro there is a significant untapped reserve of energy-saving from the electric energy recovery in the range of 15...50% of energy expenditure for train operation. However, train traffic volumes, strongly variable nature of tractive electric energy consumption and lack of regenerative braking system in subway trains do not allow to realize this potential today. The prospect of buying new and upgrading existing cars requires prior research of efficiency indicators of regenerative energy from braking of trains in the subway. As a result of the study, it was found that the energy, generated by electric trains while electric braking has intermittent nature (8...20 seconds) with decreasing power and contains a considerable variable component (30...50%). Taking into account these indicators is relevant when selecting measures for the effective use of excess regenerative energy in subway trains since the return of unstabilized energy with such parameters to the primary energy system may make significant distortions and negatively affect operation of nontractive consumers.

Author Biography

Олег Ігорович Саблін, Dnipropetrovsk national University of railway transport named after academician Century Lazaryan street Lazaryan, 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010

Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, doctoral candidate

Department of electrical Railways


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How to Cite

Саблін, О. І. (2014). Study of the efficiency of the electric energy recovery process in the subway. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(72), 9–13.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment