Development оf energy saving technology of two-stage biomass gasification for cogeneration plants




biomass, two-stage gasification, cogeneration plant, internal combustion engine, exergy analysis


A two-stage fine biomass gasification process for the low - power generation plants based on ICE, providing the tar content in the producer gas of no more than 7.1 mg/m3n that meets the requirements of the ICE producers was developed. Based on the results of experimental studies of the two-stage fine biomass gasification process, the effective process regimes were determined. The optimal range of the specific air flow, which provides a stable process of oxidative biomass pyrolysis in a dense layer at the pyrolysis temperature not exceeding 800oC is 25.0 55.0 m3/(m2  h).

Efficiency of the oxidative pyrolysis process reaches 98.0% taking into account the disposal of all heat flows. Efficiency of the coke residue gasification process without the use of sensible heat of the producer gas is on average 78.0%. Using the sensible heat of the producer gas allows to improve gasification process efficiency to an average of 96.4%.

Numerical and theoretical studies of gas ICE operation have shown that the gas ICE operation on the producer gas with a calorific value of 7.6 MJ/m3 is optimum. In this case, the fall of ICE effective power is 16.0%, and the cost of electric power generation is 0.39 UAH/(kW∙h). The results of studies have also shown that increasing the natural gas proportion in a mixture of more than 40.0% is not desirable, since it leads to higher cost of electric power generation up to 1.04 UAH/ (kW∙h) that corresponds to the cost of electric power from the external power system.

Exergy analysis of a cogeneration plant has shown a high value of total exergy efficiency of 45 %, while exergy efficiency of individual circuit elements, such as a pyrolyzer and gasifier reaches 96 %, and the "ICE-generator" unit - 91 %. Such values of efficiency are caused by deep disposal of all heat flows in the circuit.

Author Biography

Екатерина Владимировна Кремнева, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005


Department of industrial power system


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How to Cite

Кремнева, Е. В. (2014). Development оf energy saving technology of two-stage biomass gasification for cogeneration plants. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(72), 40–47.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment