Optimal control of systems engineering. development of a general structure of the technological conversion subsystem (Part 2)





technological subsystem, optimal technological subsystem structure, process optimization


At present, technological subsystems are usually hard-coded to produce a consumer product with a certain performance, and efficiency, which is defined either by the factory settings, or determined by the technologist's view on the mode, suitable for this or that equipment.

This is predetermined by a number of factors, however, features of the architecture of the technological line, which prevent the possibility to independently vary the feed of raw and energy products, as well as the lack of built-in capabilities to assess the absolute value added of the technological operation and effectiveness of the technological operation are determining ones.

There are no such shortcomings in the technological subsystem with a batch feed of raw products, the architecture of which is developed in the framework of this publication.

Independence of the performance change from external demand is ensured by the presence of the own buffering system of the finished product. Built-in capability to obtain data on economic parameters of the technological operation provides implementation of a full parametric optimization according to the resource efficiency criterion.

The maximum number of degrees of freedom together with the ability to assess technological operations opens up the practical possibility of implementing new, previously unavailable in terms of effectiveness technologies in production.

Author Biography

Igor Lutsenko, National unіversitet them. M. Ostrogradskii 39600, Kremenchug, Str. Day, 20

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and electricity savings


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How to Cite

Lutsenko, I. (2015). Optimal control of systems engineering. development of a general structure of the technological conversion subsystem (Part 2). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(73), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2015.36246