Models of operating asynchronous engines at poor-quality electricity


  • Виталий Вадимович Кузнецов National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005, Ukraine
  • Анатолий Васильевич Николенко National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005, Ukraine



mathematical model, asynchronous engine, electricity quality, electromechanical transducer, voltage


The paper considers operation of asynchronous squirrel-cage engines in conditions of poor-quality electricity since even slight deviations in the quality of voltage supply lead to negative consequences. We presume that solution of the problem requires a unified mathematical model. The model would facilitate analysis of energy efficiency for asynchronous squirrel-cage engines in the established conditions and with different quality indices for the network electricity. We have formulated requirements to the type, functionality, characteristics, and composition of input values that an asynchronous engine model would meet. We have analyzed the existing mathematical models of asynchronous engines operating in the above mentioned conditions. The revealed models reflect the impact of particular indices of voltage supply quality upon the operation of the electromechanical transducer.

On the basis of the analyzed mathematical analogues of asynchronous squirrel-cage engines, we presume that there is no unified model to evaluate energy efficiency of an electric machine operating in conditions of poor-quality electricity. Nevertheless, there exist models that reflect the impact of particular indices of voltage supply quality upon the operation of the electromechanical transducer. Solution of the existing problems requires devising an imitation model of an asynchronous squirrel-cage engine. Meanwhile, the elements of the considered models, whose connection permits simultaneous accounting of all electricity quality indices, should be used as computational units.

Author Biographies

Виталий Вадимович Кузнецов, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

Department of the electrical engineering and electromechanic

Анатолий Васильевич Николенко, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

Department of the electrical engineering and electromechanic


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How to Cite

Кузнецов, В. В., & Николенко, А. В. (2015). Models of operating asynchronous engines at poor-quality electricity. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(8(73), 37–42.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment