
  • Владимир Валентинович Бескоровайный Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Зульфия Алиевна Имангулова Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Анна Ивановна Петрова Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine, Ukraine




distribution center, optimization, center of gravity, clustering.


The necessity of the constant optimization of existing transport-warehouse systems is specified by high dynamism of the modern socio-economic processes. The aim of the optimization is to adapt the structure, topology, parameters and technology of the system functioning to the volume and direction variations of cargo transportation. Despite the numerous publications devoted to the various aspects of problems of designing and reengineering of logistic systems, the questions of optimization theory of systems’ structures and topology require further development. The aim of the work is to design effective methods of solution of structure-topological optimization problem of regional transport-warehouse systems. Two varieties of definition and mathematical model of the problem of structure-topological synthesis of transport-warehouse systems of regional level were formulated in the work (with and without limitations on location of distribution centers). To solve this problem on the bases of the graph theory and cluster analysis, the models of the directed enumerative technique of variants and coordinatewise optimization method were suggested. The analytical and experimental research helped to obtain quantitative estimates of efficiency of suggested models of the methods. The results help to make recommendations as to the effective usage of the methods depending on the dimension of the problem, necessary accuracy of the solution, calculating powers and restrictions on the time of solution making. The designed models of the methods may be used while solving problems of designing, development planning, reengineering and management of transport-warehouse systems of regional and national level.

Author Biographies

Владимир Валентинович Бескоровайный, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Systems Engineering

Зульфия Алиевна Имангулова, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Systems Engineering

Анна Ивановна Петрова, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 14 Lenina Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine


Department of Systems Engineering


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How to Cite

Бескоровайный, В. В., Имангулова, З. А., & Петрова, А. И. (2012). OPTIMIZATION OF AMOUNT AND LOCATION OF DISTRIBUTIVE CENTERS OF TRANSPORT-WAREHOUSE SYSTEM. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(3(59), 24–28. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2012.4501



Control systems