Biotechnical system of prognostic appointment


  • Анна Сергеевна Лепёхина Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine
  • Лидия Владимировна Новикова Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine
  • Александр Александрович Новиков Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine



vegetative nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.


In spite of the fact that the demographic situation in Ukraine has been improved, the problem of pregnancy loss remains actual for nowadays. In following article the analysis of a course of pregnancy of healthy women and those ones with metabolic violations has been performed. For an access of variability of a warm rhythm there were used such indicators as frequency of warm reductions; average square-law deviation; variation scope – a difference between the greatest and the smallest duration interval of heart beat, a distribution mode –the value of duration which is used so often in the sample. The authors also mentioned an amplitude of a mode – so-called the number of values which accords to a mode; index of tension of regulatory systems. For diagnostic there can be used both a tonometer device of MRT and “Credo” complex. As for results of the carried-out research, the analysis of variability of a warm rhythm of both researching groups can be signed in following article. The biotechnical system of pregnancy loss diagnostics has been developed. The carried-out researches have showed that functional conditions of pregnant women are rather well reflected in variability of a warm rhythm and condition of vegetative nervous system.

Author Biographies

Анна Сергеевна Лепёхина, Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008

Graduate student

Chair of physical and biomedical electronics

Лидия Владимировна Новикова, Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008

Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor

Chair of physical and biomedical electronics

Александр Александрович Новиков, Kherson national technical university Berislavskoye Highway, 24, Kherson, 73008

Doctor of Chemistry, professor

Chair of physical and biomedical electronics


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How to Cite

Лепёхина, А. С., Новикова, Л. В., & Новиков, А. А. (2012). Biotechnical system of prognostic appointment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(9(59), 4–6.



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