Analyzing the strategies used in media discourse management


  • Anna Brzozowska Czestochowa University of Technology 19B Armii Krajowej str., Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200, Poland
  • Anonina Kalinichenko Opole University 7-9 Dmowskiego str., Opole, Poland, 45-365, Poland
  • Judyta Kabus Czestochowa University of Technology 19B Armii Krajowej str., Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200, Poland



media discourse, media discourse management, communication, interaction, information reception, linguistics, hypertext


Digital economy is based on digital revolution and information management that gave rise to the new media image in the era of globalization. Media and media discourse management is a completely new concept for establishing innovative relations between manufacturer and consumer.

The subject of interest of the present article is the analysis of the existing strategies in media discourse management. The introduction concerns the etymological meanings of the notion of discourse and its application. The main objective of the study is to reveal the capacity of media discourse management in expanding the consumers’ cognitive resources and maintaining stable information links in everyday life.

The author aims at generalizing the main problems related to the scope and subject of media and media discourse management. Linguistic genetics and media management were applied as key methods in the study of Polish, German and English media resources.

Author Biographies

Anna Brzozowska, Czestochowa University of Technology 19B Armii Krajowej str., Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200

PhD with habilitation in economic sciences, associate professor

Institute of Logistics and International Management

Anonina Kalinichenko, Opole University 7-9 Dmowskiego str., Opole, Poland, 45-365

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Department of Process Engineering

Judyta Kabus, Czestochowa University of Technology 19B Armii Krajowej str., Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200

PhD in linguistic, Assistant

Institute of Logistics and International Management


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How to Cite

Brzozowska, A., Kalinichenko, A., & Kabus, J. (2015). Analyzing the strategies used in media discourse management. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(3(77), 10–14.



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