Priority areas difinition for improvement of defferentied electricity tariffs


  • Володимир Федорович Находов National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Анатолий Игоревич Замулко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Мохаммад Аль Шарари National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Юрий Николаевич Исаенко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine



electric load curves, demand management, differentiated electricity tariffs


The paper deals with solving the urgent problem of leveling the daily electric load curves of power systems.

Daily load curves of power systems in Ukraine and Jordan were analyzed. It was shown that uneven consumer demand for electric power is equally characteristic of power systems in both countries, and the least expensive and most feasible solution to this problem is involving electricity consumers in leveling the power system load curves.

The influence of major consumer groups on the configuration of the power system daily load curves was analyzed. It was proved that the main reason for the uneven power system load is uneven demand for power of such consumer group as the population.

Electricity tariffs in Ukraine and Jordan as one of the most effective tools of economic management of consumer demand for electric power were considered, the results of long-term use of time-differentiated tariffs in Ukraine were examined. It was shown that differentiated electricity tariffs in both countries need urgent improvement and further development.

Priority areas for improvement and further development of time-differentiated electricity tariffs in Ukraine and Jordan were defined.

The research results and findings will contribute to the development and gradual implementation of targeted, balanced management strategy of consumer demand for electric power.

Author Biographies

Володимир Федорович Находов, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056

Associate Professor, PhD

Department of electricity supply

Institute of energy saving and energy management

Анатолий Игоревич Замулко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056

Associate Professor, PhD

Department of electricity supply

Institute of energy saving and energy management

Мохаммад Аль Шарари, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056

Postgraduate student

Department of electricity supply

Institute of energy saving and energy management

Юрий Николаевич Исаенко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 115 Borschagivska Str., Kiyv, Ukraine, 03056

Master student

Department of electricity supply

Institute of energy saving and energy management


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How to Cite

Находов, В. Ф., Замулко, А. И., Аль Шарари, М., & Исаенко, Ю. Н. (2015). Priority areas difinition for improvement of defferentied electricity tariffs. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(1(78), 24–32.



Mechanical engineering technology