Analysis of methods of evaluation of the accuracy of input data for air condition assessment


  • Регина Владимировна Криваковская Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 15, General Naumov Str. Kiev, 03164, Ukraine



data unreliability, artificial intelligence, Bayes network


The article concerns the issues of reliability of input data for modeling of admixtures propagation in the air, and possible results of unreliable input data application at further optimization and control of the air quality. The main sources of unreliable data are given. There are objectives of the research in the sphere of input data limitation, review of approaches, decreasing its effect. The requirements to the methods of overcoming of input data limitation, as well as certain demands determined by Ukrainian realias, were formulated. The method based on the Bayes networks was suggested to assess the probabilistic properties of the modeling results unreliability during the application of unreliable input data. The article reveals the advantages of Bayes networks and the stages of their plotting. The structure of the network was suggested and its variables were described to assess the results of modeling. There is an approach to find out the values of conditional probabilities for the network

Author Biography

Регина Владимировна Криваковская, Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 15, General Naumov Str. Kiev, 03164

PhD Student

Department of design automation of energetic units


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How to Cite

Криваковская, Р. В. (2012). Analysis of methods of evaluation of the accuracy of input data for air condition assessment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(60), 44–47.