Analysis of performance of thyristor drive of constant current working in an autonomous network


  • Антон Александрович Жиленков Kerch State Marine Technical University "KSMTU" Crimea, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze, 82, 98 309, Ukraine



autonomous power station, powerful thyristor rectifier


The article continues the research of the effect of a powerful thyristor DC drive on the autonomous power station. The research was conducted on "Yeisk" - single-deck, twin-screw, car-passenger ferry, with four tiers of deckhouses, a diesel-electric power unit and the thruster.

The propulsive complex is a rowing electrical unit, which consists of two DC main propulsion motors of MP2-M-650-152-8M3 type with forced ventilation through the air cooler.

The preliminary experiments showed that the tested system required the measures that would increase electromagnetic compatibility between its main units. Obviously, the failures in the performance of thyristor converter of tested electromotive complex were due to interferences of the converter, which influence its control system. In this connection it is necessary to carry out detailed experimental studies of forms of current and voltage of the system, including signals of the inverter control system

Author Biography

Антон Александрович Жиленков, Kerch State Marine Technical University "KSMTU" Crimea, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze, 82, 98 309

Senior lecturer

Chair electrical equipment of ships and business automation


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How to Cite

Жиленков, А. А. (2012). Analysis of performance of thyristor drive of constant current working in an autonomous network. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(60), 12–14.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment