Quality adjustment for jelly marmalade of a modified carbohydrate structure


  • Katerina Iorgachova Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaia St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039, Ukraine
  • Karine Avetisian Odessa national academy of food technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, Ukraine 65039, Ukraine




double-layer marmalade, agar, pectin, starch syrups, fructose, polydextrose, pH scale, acid, strength, quality indicators


The study explores changes in the structural and organoleptic properties of marmalade jelly with different amounts of acid. The research findings make it advisable to reduce the recipe amount of acid by 25 % for agar-based marmalade with 50 %-substitution of syrup IG-60 for sugar, glucose, and maltodextrin. Products with improved organoleptic properties were obtained from samples that were based on using syrup and polydextrose instead of glucose, maltodextrin and 75 % to 100 % of sugar as well as 50 % of the recipe amount of acid. The carbohydrate structure of pectin-based marmalade masses has determined expediency of reducing the recipe amount of acid by 8 % ... 20 %. Besides, we studied physicochemical, structural and mechanical as well as organoleptic indicators of quality of double-layer marmalade in which starch syrups of various carbohydrate structures or fructose with polydextrose were used instead of glucose, maltodextrin, and sugar. We have proved the expediency and developed recommendations as to changing the amount of acid in the recipe of marmalade jelly on agar and on pectin depending on its carbohydrate structure.

Author Biographies

Katerina Iorgachova, Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaia St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039


Department of technology of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates

Karine Avetisian, Odessa national academy of food technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odessa, Ukraine 65039

PhD, asistant

Department of Bakery, Confectionary, Macaroni products and Food concentrate technologies 


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How to Cite

Iorgachova, K., & Avetisian, K. (2016). Quality adjustment for jelly marmalade of a modified carbohydrate structure. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11(80), 48–56. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65768



Technology and Equipment of Food Production