Improving the operation modes efficiency in heat pump systems of hot water supply with the two-stage heat accumulation
accumulation of heat, heliosystem, heat pump, combined systems of heat supply, phase transitionAbstract
Here we propose circuit solutions for improving the efficiency of renewable energy sources using the two-step systems of accumulation. At the first step of accumulation, low-potential sources of heat are employed: heat pump, heat recuperation from the condensation contour of refrigeration unit, heliosystem (during winter). At the second step, temperature is brought to the required level through a high-potential source: heliosystem (in summer), gas boiler, solid-fuel gas boiler, etc. We substantiated theoretically and experimentally the rational techniques to connect renewable energy sources to the heat accumulators. A numerical CFD-simulation was performed of the distribution of temperatures in the volume of tank-accumulator under a two-step mode of accumulation; the visualization of temperature field is presented. This made it possible to choose rational modes of heat accumulators operation using the heat carrier connection by a cross circuit and to utilize in full the volume of tank in the combined systems of heat supply. We developed and implemented a pilot production-experimental installation of combined system of heat supply to one of the facilities at ONPU (Ukraine) with the use of heat pump and a reserve source of heat. Experimental study was conducted on experimental-production pilot installation, which confirmed the need for applying the two-step accumulation when using heat pump plants in the combined systems for the preparation of hot water. It was proven experimentally that at temperature of heat carrier in a heat pump plant above 45 °C, its efficiency falls (cost for energy is coming close to energy costs for traditional energy sources).
Research results are relevant because they allow a more efficient use of renewable energy sources in the combined systems of heat supply. It was substantiated that the compactness, ease of installation and low investment, adopted as a priority in the creation of alternative systems of heat supply, often lead to a decrease in their operational efficiency.References
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Copyright (c) 2017 Anton Mazurenko, Alla Denysova, Gennadiy Balasanian, Aleksandr Klimchuk, Krystyna Borysenko

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