An influence of dancing track rhythm studying on its performance in rhythmic gymnastics at the initial stage of the training process


  • Оксана Заплатинська Львівський державний університет фізичної культури, Львів, Україна, Ukraine



track, dance, rhythm, gymnasts, rhythmic, preparation, initial


Oksana Zaplatynskа

Dancing track, as a mandatory element appears in the competition exercises gymnasts from 2013. However, until now not studied the basic methods and techniques of their development gymnasts of all ages and skill. Many authors argue that the assimilation of rhythm leads to a facilitated assimilation of exercises. In rhythmic gymnastics, there were no studies on the effect of rhythm digestion on the performance of individual exercises, which was the prerequisite for our study.

Purpose: to study the influence of mastering the rhythm of the dance tracks on their performance in gymnasts at the stage of initial training.

Material & Methods: to identify the impact of assimilation of the rhythm of dance tracks on their performance gymnasts at the stage of initial preparation of the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the rules of rhythmic gymnastics have been used, pedagogical experiment.

Results: the assimilation rate, which performed the dance track, a positive effect on their learning and performance of the gymnasts at the stage of initial training. Conclusion: study of dance tracks efficiently and expediently carried out with the assimilation of the rhythm of their performance.


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How to Cite

Заплатинська, О. (2017). An influence of dancing track rhythm studying on its performance in rhythmic gymnastics at the initial stage of the training process. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(59), 40–44.


