Improving the technical skills of gymnasts 8–9 years old in exercises with clubs
rhythmic gymnastics, gymnasts 8–9 years old, organizational and pedagogical technology, exercises with clubs, technical skillAbstract
Alfiia Deineko, Olesia Shevchuk & Alla Arkhypova
Purpose: to justify the effectiveness of the use of organizational and pedagogical technology, increases the level of technical preparedness of gymnasts of 8–9 years old in exercises with clubs and helps to form a positive attitude towards rhythmic gymnastics.
Material & Methods: the study involved athletes of 8–9 years engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. The control group consisted of 10 gymnasts and the experimental – 10 gymnasts. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; pedagogical observations, testing the level of technical preparedness in exercises with clubs, experiment; expert assessment method; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: the author developed the organizational and pedagogical technology "Exercises with clubs", which increases the level of technical readiness of young gymnasts in exercises with clubs and provides a steady interest in performing gymnastic exercises. The positive impact of the use of the proposed organizational and pedagogical measures that enhance the level of technical preparedness of gymnasts of 8–9 years old in exercises with clubs, accuracy of movements, development of a sense of rhythm is revealed.
Conclusions: the analysis of the results of the study indicates that the use of organizational and pedagogical technology "Exercises with clubs" increases the level of technical skill of young gymnasts in exercises with clubs and contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards rhythmic gymnastics.
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