Methodology for improving the body balance of athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll at the stage of preliminary basic training
acrobatic rock'n'roll, body balance, stage of preliminary basic trainingAbstract
Halyna Artemyeva, Tetiana Moshenska, Anastasiia Panshyna & Yevhen Medvediev
An analysis of the content of the competitive programs of various categories of athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll (sports couples and formation teams) allows us to determine that all motor activity occurs in complicated and sometimes extreme conditions with a constant change in body position in three planes: sagittal, frontal and horizontal. Given this, we can say that for a rational construction of the technique of motor actions, athletes are constantly faced with the need to restore and maintain the balance of the body, which has a close interaction with the general level of physical preparedness [1; 2; 4; 10; 12]. Based on the analysis of literary sources, we can state that at this stage in the development of acrobatic rock'n'roll there are too few scientific and methodological literature on the issues of purposeful and proportionate development of the ability of athletes to maintain body balance, as one of the determining factors for successful mastery of the technique of acrobatic rock'n'roll. This fact reduces the effectiveness of the training process of athletes.
Purpose: to consider ways to solve the problem of improving the balance of the body of athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll at the stage of preliminary basic training.
Material & Methods: the study was conducted in Kharkov on the basis of the sports and dance club "Rapid". The experiment was attended by 28 athletes 10–12 years old. Athletes practice acrobatic rock'n'roll at the stage of preliminary basic training. We have chosen modern research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of sources of scientific, methodological and specialized literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: as a result of the implementation of the developed sets of exercises, including means of gymnastics, acrobatics and health preparedness, a significant increase was achieved in the indicators of maintaining body balance by athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll at the stage of preliminary basic training.
Conclusions: the developed methodology for improving the body balance of athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll at the stage of preliminary basic training has proved its effectiveness. There were significant changes in all the studied indicators of athletes EG p<0,05, p<0,01. The developed technique has a positive effect on the body systems that ensure the balance of the body. The effectiveness of a combination of acrobatic rock'n'roll exercises, gymnastics and health fitness has been experimentally proved in training acrobatic rock'n'roll athletes at the stage of preliminary basic training.
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