Boys have obesity as factor of development of metabolic violations in a puberty period (in connection with setting of facilities of physical rehabilitation).


  • В. А. Пастухова [Pastukhova V.] National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine,


obesity, age-dependent period, lipid profile, glucose profile


The problems of the pathophysiological mechanisms of obesity and features of the morphological and functional changes in boys during puberty. The study analyzed data from the biochemical analysis of blood lipid determination (total lipoproteins and their fractions) and carbohydrate profile (standard glucose tolerance test (SGTT)) in this group of patients. The presence of significant metabolic changes in boys suffering from obesity, in the form of glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, with an increase in blood levels of lipids and their individual fractions hypercholesterolemia


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How to Cite

Пастухова [Pastukhova V.] В. А. (2012). Boys have obesity as factor of development of metabolic violations in a puberty period (in connection with setting of facilities of physical rehabilitation). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(31), 115–118. Retrieved from

