Effect of CrossFit exercises on the level of physical fitness of high school-age pupils





Purpose: to determine the degree of change in the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils under the influence of CrossFit exercises.

Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific-methodological literature; pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, and methods of mathematical statistics. The tests were used to determine the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils: raising straight legs in a hanging (number of times); running in place with the intensity of 70% from maximum to pronounced fatigue (s); “shuttle” run 4–9 m (s); run 60 m (s) and cross split (cm). The studied results were compared to norms and evaluated with a certain number of points. Statistical analysis: the study materials were processed using the licensed program Excel. The research involved 113 pupils of the 10th–11th grades.

Results: at the beginning of the school year, the stating research was carried out, according to which the “average” level (3 points) of physical fitness among 16–17-year-old pupils was established. According to the results of the primary research, pupils were divided into main and control groups for conducting the formative experiment. Pupils of the control groups were engaged by the generally accepted state program on physical education for 10–11 grades of general secondary education institutions, and the educational process on physical education of pupils of the main groups was supplemented by the variable module “CrossFit”. According to researches obtained after the pedagogical experiment, it was established that the level of physical fitness increased to “above the average” (4 points) in pupils of the main groups, and changes weren’t found on the assessment scale in the researched control groups. In the age aspect, there is mainly the improvement in results with age, both in main and control groups (p>0,05). The reliable prevarication of the data of boys, over the indicators of girls, was revealed, mainly, in the article (p<0,05–0,001).

Conclusions: the positive impact of CrossFit exercises on the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils of main groups was revealed.

Keywords: variable module, CrossFit, high school pupils, physical fitness, physical culture lessons, motor activity.


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How to Cite

Petrova, A. (2021). Effect of CrossFit exercises on the level of physical fitness of high school-age pupils. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(82), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2021-2.010


