Dynamics of motivation to employments by a physical culture for the students of higher educational establishments during all studies


  • Валентина Лисяк [Lisyak V.] Kharkov Institute of Banking University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukraine


students, health, dynamics of motivation, self-assessment


The motivation of students for physical training while for the period of study at the institute was analyzed. The results of the student self-assessments in the process of training are presented. The influence of physical training and sports on personal qualities of different age-dependent categories of students was investigated and the comparative analysis of the received figures is done. Most students consider health and physical development as one of the basic motivations of the physical training. As the analysis shows the first-year students are the most physically active group of students. The reason may be the absence of physical training classes in the curriculum.


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How to Cite

Лисяк [Lisyak V.] В. (2013). Dynamics of motivation to employments by a physical culture for the students of higher educational establishments during all studies. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(36), 199–203. Retrieved from https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/1991-0177/article/view/23577

