Analysis of Competi- tive Activity of Highly Qualified Wrestlers
Purpose: to analyze the competitive activity of highly qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers.
Material and methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best practices; video-computer analysis of competitive activity of highly qualified wrestlers; methods of mathematical statistics. A specialized computer program «Martial Arts Video Analysis» was used to analyze the fights. A total of 30 final fights (fight for the first and third places) of highly qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers at the 2020 World Cup were analyzed. Results: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and generalization of leading practical experience, it was found that successful training of wrestlers of any level is impossible without careful consideration of major trends in wrestling, which can be established with sufficient accuracy when analyzing the structural components of competitive activity of the world's leading athletes. It has been established that at the 2020 World Cup, the winning wrestlers have a larger technical and tactical arsenal (10 holds) than those who lost (5 holds). The analysis of indicators of competitive activity allowed to determine that the wrestlers-winners and those who lost the number of technical and tactical
actions, their effectiveness, the interval of attack decreases in the second period. The efficiency of the reception of the winning wrestlers in the second period (69,5 %) is higher than in the first one (61,8 %), and those who lost in the first period (12,2 %) are better than in the second (8,7 %). This is due to the fact that at the end of the fight the loser carries out many unsuccessful attacks in order to win back.
Conclusions: the analysis of competitive activity showed that the largest number of times during the fight, the winning wrestlers perform in the ground – turn over (0,72 times), in the rack – dumping (0,32 times), and those who lose held in the ground – countermeasures (0,06 times), in the rack – dumping (0,24 times). Significant number of points wrestlers-winners receive at the beginning of the fight by increasing the number of different technical and tactical actions and the effectiveness of their implementation.
Keywords: Greco-Roman wrestling, indicators, technical actions, competitive activity, highly qualified athletes, computer program.
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