Formation and diagnostics levels of educational abilities of students in physical education.




skills, students, teaching, tasks, methods, and practice


Purpose: specify and theoretical basis for the content of educational tasks methodical practice, as a means of diagnosing the level of formation and pedagogical skills of students. Material and Methods: the analysis of more than 20 references, 12 work programs in the discipline "Physical Education" HEI III–IV accreditation levels. Results: disclosed system of pedagogical skills, providing social and personal competence in the sphere of physical culture, which forms during the methodical practice through completing quests. Conclusions: this study allows a qualitatively new level to solve the issues of forming and diagnostics level pedagogical skills of students in physical education


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How to Cite

Маракушин Андрій Ігорович (Andriy M., Піддубний Олександр Григорович (Oleksandr P., Коновалов Володимир Володимирович (Volodymyr K., & Кірпенко Віталій Миколайович (Vitaliy K. (2015). Formation and diagnostics levels of educational abilities of students in physical education. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(45), 75–80.


